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MacMat HS
MacMat HS
MacMat HS
MacMat HS
MacMat HS

MacMat HS

Mass per unit area:600g/m² Density: 900kg/m³ Mesh type:80X100/10X12 Wire diameter :2.7mm,2.7/3.7mm Geomat colour:Black/Green /Brown

MacMat HS

MacMat HS 

MacMat HS is the next-generation of high performance geomats, combining a three-dimensional matrix polymeric geomat reinforced with  Steelgrid system. It is used for demanding slope face stabilisation applications which require a combination of erosion protection and superficial stabilisation.

The Reinforced macmat is a new type of geosynthetic material, primarily used in the fields of slope protection, soil and water conservation, and ecological restoration. It is composed of the following parts:

1. Material: The Reinforced MacMat is usually made of polypropylene material, which has good erosion resistance and high mechanical tensile strength.

2. Structure: Its structure is a three-dimensional geotextile mat, which is formed by integrating a double-twisted hexagonal metal mesh into a plastic three-dimensional geotextile mat using special equipment, creating a composite reinforced geotextile mat.

3. Reinforcement: In the metal mesh section, galvanized or Galfan-coated steel wires are typically used to enhance the strength and durability of the material.

4. Color: The Reinforced MacMat can be manufactured in a grass green color, which helps with the planting and growth of vegetation and also coordinates with the natural landscape.

MacMat HS

MacMat HS

Geomat Properties

Geomat properties
Mass per unit area (EN ISO 9864)g/m²600
Melting point°C150
UV resistance
Reinforcement properties
Mesh type
Wire diameter (int./ext.)mm2.72.7/3.7
Nominal polymeric coating thicknessmmNot present0.5
Mechanical properties composite
Mechanicalstrength (length)kN/m50177805011973
Ultimate punching forcekN/m67149856712574
Nominal physical properties composite
Voids index%>90
Nominal thickness (EN ISO 9863-1)mm12
Geomat colour
Black/Green /Brown
Roll lengthm25
Roll width m2


MacMat HS
MO 8127GNHR30 8127GNHR100 8127GNMO 8127G0HR30 8127G0HR100 8127G0
Geomat properties
Mass per unit area (EN ISO 9864)g/m²600
Melting point°C150
UV resistance
Reinforcement properties
Double twisted woven steel wire mesh, heavily Galmac coatedDoubletwisted woven steel wire mesh, heavilyGalmac coated with polymer protective layer
Mesh type
Wire diameter (int./ext.)mm2.72.7/3.7
Nominal polymeric coating thicknessmmNot present0.5
Mechanical properties composite
Mechanicalstrength (length)kN/m50177805011973
Ultimate punching forcekN/m67149856712574
Nominal physical properties composite
Mass per unit area (EN ISO 9864)g/m²2,0002,280
Voids index%>90
Nominal thickness (EN ISO 9863-1)mm12
Geomat colour (1)
Roll length (2)m25
Roll width (3)m2
Roll area50

NOTE:   1. Brown colour available on request.   2. Tolerance:    -0    +1%.     3. Tolerance: ±    5%


MacMat HSMacMat HSMacMat HS

Tags: macmat-r, MacMat R , MacMat HS, MacMat