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Gabion Retaining Wall
Gabion Retaining Wall

Gabion Retaining Wall

Gabion faced reinforced soil walls are a system when the structural stability is achieved by virtue of reinforcement layers of polymer geogrids or steel mesh. These polymer geogrids or steel mesh are placed in the soil linked to a facing skin of gabion.

Gabion Retaining Wall Description

Gabion basket retaining walls are a system when structural stability is achieved by virtue of reinforcement layers of polymer geogrids or steel mesh. These polymer geogrids or steel mesh are placed in the soil linked to a facing skin of gabion.

What is a gabion basket retaining wall?

The gabion basket retaining walls are monolithic gravity mass structures that are well suited for erosion control applications and follow standard design practices for gravity and MSE retaining walls. gabion retaining walls do not require a concrete foundation. For heavier materials, double-wide foundation gabions can be used under the main structure to improve wall stability. As with the mass of gravity walls, the gabion face is inclined at 6 degrees to the vertical and/or stepped.

Reinforced Gabions Wall Cost: This type of structure costs less for walls 3 to 4m or more in height infill situations.

Specifications of gabion basket retaining wall

Mesh Sizes(mm)

Gabion dimensions and volumes

Wire diameter





The length of the reinforcement(M)

80*100 100*120






Mesh Wire: 2.5mm, 2.7mm, 3.05mm.2.5/3.5mm, 2.7/3.7mm
selvedge wire: 3.2mm, 3.4mm, 3.8mm3.2/4.2mm, 3.4/4.4mm
lacing wire: 2.0mm, 2.2mm 2.0/3.0mm, 2.2/3.2mm


























Other specifications can also be customized processing.

Applications of Gabion Retaining Wall

Gabions are used to slow the rate of concentrated runoff or to stabilize slopes with seepage problems and/or non-cohesive soils. Gabions can be used at the soil-water interface where soil conditions, water turbulence, water velocity and expected vegetation cover make it possible for the soil to erode under design flow conditions. Gabions can be used on slopes steeper than rock-throwing and are sometimes the only viable option for stabilizing areas that do not have enough space to accommodate "softer" vegetation solutions.

Advantages of gabion basket retaining wall

● Some advantages of gabion walls are: easy to handle and transport

● Speed of construction

● Flexibility (gabions can withstand movement)

● Permeability (good drainage)

● Gabion baskets provide an easy-to-use method to reduce water velocity and protect slopes from erosion.

Disadvantages of gabion basket retaining wall

● Gabions are sometimes criticized for being unsightly. They can be made more attractive by using attractive finishing stones on the front of the wall and establishing vegetation in the spaces between the rocks.

● Low habitat value.

● Gabions are more expensive than vegetated slopes or thrown rocks.

● Wire baskets used for gabions can suffer severe wear from abrasion of the wire due to bedload movement in high-velocity flows.

● Difficult to install and requires large equipment.

Installation of Gabion Retaining Wall

Designers can select geogrids from a wide range of soil reinforcement systems to suit specific soil conditions including:

• Gabion faced soil reinforcement system using steel geogrids;
• Vegetating face slope reinforcement system using steel geogrids;
• Heavy-duty sheathed geogrids with strengths up to 1250kN/m for basal reinforcement and piled embankments;
• Polymer geogrids for slope reinforcement, segmental retaining walls and blockwork walls.

Reinforced Gabions

Reinforced Gabions

Planning Considerations

Retaining wall design takes into account site conditions, soil type, and loads above and behind the retaining wall. Larger gabion retaining wall solutions use thicker gabions at the base to distribute foundation loads and improve resistance to overturning and sliding.

When gabion retaining walls are subject to additional surcharges from driveways or other loads, designers are likely to increase the thickness of the gabions to handle the higher expected loads.

Construction sequence

● Since gabion basket retaining walls are used in areas with high erosion potential, they must be constructed in a sequence so that they can be placed in place with as little delay as possible. The area where the gabions are to be placed should only be disturbed if the final preparation and placement can follow immediately after the initial disturbance.

● Where gabions are used for outlet protection, they should be placed prior to or in conjunction with the construction of the pipeline or channel so that they are in place when the pipeline or channel begins operation.


● Gabions should be inspected regularly and after each major storm event.

● All temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control measures shall be maintained and repaired as needed to ensure the continued performance of their intended function.

● All maintenance and repairs shall be performed in accordance with the approved manual.