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Road Mesh
Road Mesh
Road Mesh

Road Mesh

Road mesh is a unique bi-directional high strength steel reinforcement used in new or rehabilitated asphalt pavements to provide solutions for reflective cracking, asphalt fatigue and surface rutting.

Road Mesh Description

Road Mesh - Road Mesh Reinforcement

Road mesh is a unique bi-directional high strength steel reinforcement used in new or rehabilitated asphalt pavements to provide solutions for reflective cracking, asphalt fatigue and surface rutting. Road mesh is proven to help increase the duration of maintenance cycles in asphalt pavements around the world. It is manufactured from double twist hexagonal woven wire mesh with a transverse rod woven into the mesh.

Advantages of Road Mesh

Road mesh offers high tensile strength at low strain, together with a geometry that provides excellent aggregate interlock to optimize load transfer and shear resistance. Developed specifically for flexible pavement reinforcement, road mesh can be introduced into the upper bound layers of the pavement structure for rehabilitation or new build construction. Developed initially to inhibit reflective cracking in the asphalt layers, research in the USA and Europe has shown road mesh to enhance the working life of the whole pavement structure.

Specifications of Road Mesh

Mesh Sizes(mm)Road mesh dimensionsMaterialWire diameter(mm)
Length(M)Width(M)Hot dipped galvanized, GalfanMesh Wire: 2.0mm, 2.2mm, 2.5mm.
Reinforcement bar: 3.4mm, 3.8mm

Other specifications can also be customized processing.

Road Mesh Applications

Road Mesh is widely used as a bonding layer for new or rehabilitated pavements in civil construction. It can provide solutions for cracking, asphalt fatigue and surface rutting. It is recommended to lay the road grid between the asphalt and bituminous layers. The depth of the road mesh varies depending on the pavement quality and the requirements of the geometric characteristics of each layer of the road.

- The road network is mainly used for the repair or reconstruction of highways and urban roads, especially for soft ground, to increase the bearing capacity of the road surface and prevent rutting and cracking.

- The road network can also be used to repair the upper layers of existing roads to improve road performance and reduce road deformation. It can also extend the life of the road surface.

- The road mesh reinforcement can be used for asphalt, concrete and turf pavements.

- The road mesh reinforcement is used on high traffic, normal and light roads to prevent reflective cracking, extend the life of the road and provide a comfortable driving experience for drivers.

- The road mesh is used in equestrian applications such as stables, day yards, arenas and other high-use areas where horses immediately turn gravel and sand into the mud.

- The road mesh is suitable for a wide range of applications from private driveways, mine access roads to aircraft roads, as long as it is used for road structural reinforcement purposes.

Road Mesh Function

● The road mesh reinforcement is highly resistant to natural damage and severe weather such as heavy rainfall.

● The road mesh absorbs tensile stresses beneath the asphalt layer.

● The road mesh helps lock in asphalt aggregates for added structural stability.

● The road mesh provides additional toughness to the overall road structure.

● The road mesh reinforcement helps to share the load of the asphalt pavement, thus minimizing structural deformation.

● The road mesh reinforcement works well with asphalt and concrete, helping to reduce the construction time and thickness of the asphalt layer.

● The road mesh reinforcement helps reduce crack reflections, asphalt fatigue and surface rutting, thus keeping the road in top condition for at least 10 years.

● The road mesh reinforcement ensures high traction and mud-free pavement all year round.

● The road mesh reinforcement is suitable for projects with limited budgets.

● Installation: Hexagonal mesh should be unrolled to the surface and flattened with a roller. It is then secured with staples prior to applying aggregate and asphalt. To increase resistance to deformation, two layers of mesh may be overlapped.

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